I help individuals and teams in the corporate sector improve their wellbeing, their productivity, and their ability to manage conflict by teaching them to manage their most precious resource: their power of attention.

Having practiced meditation for 25 years alongside my corporate career, I've experienced the challenges of overcoming distractions and learning to master my own power of attention.

I've also had the privilege of teaching others practical ways of doing so themselves, and have studied and taught the practical application of philosophy in the modern world while running my own professional practice for the last 5 years. I currently manage the Foundation Level in the School of Practical Philosophy in Sydney. 

The Story

For many years it was my dark secret!

Alongside my successful but sometimes unfulfilling business career I actively studied and taught philosophy.  

In the early days I didn't share this with many of my colleagues, let alone my managers. I thought they wouldn't understand. That somehow the fact that I practised meditation and mindfulness and dedicated my life to the pursuit of wisdom would make me appear soft - not cut out for the world of commerce and tough competition.

However, I was never an “armchair philosopher”. My interest was practical wisdom. Knowledge that would make us more effective in our workplaces, our homes, and in all of the relationships we experience in our hyper-busy world. This knowledge helped greatly in each of my roles. 

When I was in my mid-twenties, a plane crash in the Andes Mountains almost ended my life. Perhaps surprisingly, that woke me up to the joy of living with real enthusiasm, full attention and an open mind. I'm also familiar with the contrasting state, where motivation is weak, attention is scattered, opinions are fixed and progress is slow, and I know which is better!

That accident, and my recovery from the resulting injuries, confirmed that life is meant to be lived wholeheartedly. Not just plodding along, half engaged as so many do. Through ongoing study and practice I've distilled some practical guidelines for doing just that: 

The formula for a productive and successful life is full participation supported by honest, intelligent self-awareness.

The faculty we use for both participation and self-awareness is our attention. If we use it well, we will lead productive and successful lives.

However, our attention is under threat. Our environment is becoming more and more complex. It's busier and more distracting than ever before. Constantly (over)stimulated we rush from one thing to the next and end up feeling depleted rather than fulfilled. We seem to be living busy lives when what we really want are full ones. 

In this age of distraction we're losing control of our attention.

Regaining it requires the practical application of tried and true knowledge in every aspect our day to day lives. Practicing easy to follow steps that will bring greater productivity, resilience, confidence and peace. 

My presentations, workshops and mentoring programs are designed and proven to do just that.


In addition to personally coaching hundreds of individuals, I've worked with organisations such as Telstra, SAP, Lend Lease, Macquarie Bank, CBA, BankWest, CommInsure, Colonial First State, Ernst Young, Brookfield Multiplex, Logica CMG, IBM, Blackbaud, Hunter Burton Capital, Housing NSW, NSW Premier and Cabinet and Moriah College.  


  • Accredited Mediator - Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia.
  • Executive Certificate in Positive Psychology Coaching - UTS
  • Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming - The Coaching Institute (TCI)
  • Completed training in Life Coaching with TCI
  • Accredited LSI Practitioner – Human Synergistics
  • Accredited Extended DiSC Consultant and Trainer
  • Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution – University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
  • Bachelor of Business – UTS